While varicose veins are inherited, varicose veins during pregnancy are very common. The weight of the baby and the enlarged uterus exerted on the large vein returning blood to the heart from the legs (Inferior Vena Cava) may cause the blood to pool in the legs. This can cause the veins in the legs to bulge and to create the appearance of spider veins. In order to prevent the varicose veins from developing, efforts should be made to aid the return of blood to the heart and, thereby, reduce pressure in the veins of the legs. Compression stockings could be worn whenever you are up and around on your feet. The stockings help to squeeze blood back up towards the heart. Keep your feet elevated whenever you are sitting around reading, watching TV, etc. Walking for exercise causes the calf muscles to act like a pump, pushing blood back to the heart.
After pregnancy, some varicose veins may resolve over a matter of months even without treatment. Just follow your doctor’s recommendations for prevention or reduction of varicose vein symptoms. If your varicose veins don’t improve, treatments are available.